Sunday, August 5, 2007

First time

After weeks of a without-dial-tone-phone... hate it! No surfing the net, no phone calls, everything is weak without the phone. Everyone's supposed to have good service from their respective network, but what can I say, almost two weeks of having no phone line, dumb ass!

Anyway, it's done already, this is gibberish.

Waxing or threading? Any of the two will hurt but most say that threading will hurt more than wax. Just recently, I had my first time threading my moustache. I must admit that I'm a bit scared but Ate Lorna, the woman who did the threading made me feel relaxed. She tried waxing my hair on the upper lip but the hair wasn't removed for it was too thin, so no choice but to thread. It made me cry when we're in the middle of the process (as if it's a huge operation), lol. But Ate was funny and made me giggle a little. We chat while she's doing the threading and the feeling of hurt was diminishing. And finally, the result was a smooth feeling on the upper lip and having my brother not teasing me. ;)

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