Saturday, November 25, 2006

One (three) Last Shot

Whoa! What a day to end the weekend! Today was a lazy day. I still went to class eventhough my head was absolutely aching. I've never experienced that kind of headache. I almost want to faint--I dunno what had happened but maybe because it was a hot sunny afternoon and the bus i rode didn't have enough ventilation for the passengers. Whew! If only we didn't have that Filipino quiz, I wouldn't go to school! Goodness, that almost killed me!

I've realized a lot of things this past few days. It was pretty dangerous to know some secrets of others. It's like you're hanging on a cliff and you don't know how would you react--If you will just lose your grip or will stay strong hoping that there's still a chance. Lately, I knew that someone in class hates me. The only thing i want if a person hates me is to tell me personally that she hates me. I don't want any backstabbing, who would want anyway? I know it would be hard for both of us to do it but it will be a humongous relief for the both parties if settled.

That tormented my mind for almost half of the week, actually until now. Thanks to some friends for their advice not to concentrate on the negative side of it but to think that there are still a lot of friends that care.

Hanging at Maan's is always a lot of fun. Drinking a couple of shots with some friends will not totally help me get out of the problem but what's important for each of us is to realize that it's not the end of everything. We then should know how to have fun and concentrate on the one's that care and keep stepping.

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